Ben Conrad - Worries

Ben Conrad | Hand Embroidery

Ben Conrad is an artist based in Jersey City, NJ.

He works in a range of media, and has produced a series of anatomical embroideries.

Ben Conrad Digestive Embroidery

They cover actual anatomical details, and then also more esoteric attributes. Such as worries:

Ben Conrad Worries Embroidery

Ben’s a pretty likeable guy. With terrific honesty, he says “I suppose I should have some more specific sort of artist statement, but frankly I think most such material belongs in the trash bin. Until I think of a more pretentious way to put it, my only goal in making art is to take some of the multitude of images constantly swimming around my brain and put them out in the world.

Ben Conrad Nervous Embroidery

These pieces are simple and friendly. They are unpretentious and you can tell that Ben has stitched them because he wanted to. His unapologetic outlook is great and it’s a shame that he hasn’t explored the embroidery media in more ways.

Ben Conrad catperson embroidery

Find Ben Conrad on deviantArt and at his website.

And thanks to the marvellous Fiberartsy for the recommendation!

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