Stitch Therapy - Put A Bird On It

Emma Parker – Stitch Therapy

Emma Parker, a.k.a. Stitch Therapy, is an embroidery artist from the UK.

Stitch Therapy - I Am More Than The Sum Of My Broken Parts

My work explores the darker and often hidden aspects of being human: fear, shame, abandonment, despair and the broken – with an occasional twist of humour added for sanity. I use discarded and worn materials in my work and see the act of making with them as a process of transformation and salvaging of the broken self.

Stitch Therapy - I Surrender - hand embroidery


“The use of thread and stitch helps me make connections and piece the broken together whilst the repetitive nature of hand sewing is a soothing rhythm, which nurtures and helps mend. In my work I often include fragments of narratives or imagery that may tell only part of a story, leaving it up to the viewer to find their own ending.”

Stitch Therapy - Memory Thread Chapter One

There’s something quite thrilling about Emma’s work; a desperation and rawness that emphasises the brokenness of the work. Looking through her portfolio, I feel like I am reading the diaries of a madman, feeling the fear and excitement of work on the edge. It’s pretty powerful stuff.

Stitch Therapy - A Book About Being Broken

Emma is hoping to study a Masters in Arts Psychotherapy and is seeking support with her funding. For more information, and to help her towards her goal, visit her IndieGoGo page.

Stitch Therapy - Put A Bird On It
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