Ali Cat Crafts | Modern Millinery

Millinery Operations with Kristin Silverman

At the age of two, Alison Lyndes of Ali Cat Crafts, wanted to be a paleontologist, at twelve she wanted to be an astronaut, and for a brief time in her teens she thought she’d climb Mount Everest.

Everything changed when she found work in a costume shop. There, she could fuse her desire to make things with her fascination of the past. The tectonic plates shifted once again when she discovered millinery.

AliCatCrafts Cut-Away Pillbox Hat

Of her pieces she says that we “will find a mix of old and new, modern and historical, fashion and costume.” She loves digging through attics, flea markets and thrift stores from all over the world.

AliCatCrafts Spanish Fedora

She has tremendous skill in cut-away. There is a recurrent theme to her work of creating small, curtained windows. Or cutting away pieces of a fabric to create lace. She must have incredible control of her scissors!

AliCatCrafts Black Patent Leather Cocktail Hat

Alison Lyndes of Boulder, Colorado, considers herself to be an emerging artist. Defining that term is very hard, but if the quality of her work is any indication, it seems as if Alison has emerged.

AliCatCrafts Wheel


Emily Moe is a milliner who, since 2007, has slowly been taking over the world of Millinery and captains the Milliners of Etsy, a collective of artistan hat-makers from around the world. She lives with her husband in Minnesota and gets up to all kinds of creative mischief.

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