Book Review – Felting Fashion

Textile Art Book Reviews

At Mr X Stitch we love to review textile art and embroidery books for you. There are so many great books to discover, packed with needlework inspiration and textile techniques, so we dive into each book to find out what’s good, what’s bad and let you know why you should pick it up.


Although there are plenty felt making books out there, very few focus on the fashion element, how can be wear our woollen master creations?  That’s the subject of Felting Fashion by Lizzie Houghton.

Lizzie Houghton has a history of fashion experience, which makes her take on felt making exciting and even clothes pattern based where needed.  She lives in London and exhibits and teaches this specialist subject.

Who Is It Aimed At

Those who have some inkling towards felt making and want to take their skills up a level to create garments.  Be warned, this is going to get pretty woolly pretty quickly!

Plenty of choices


There are variety of methods taught within this book.  Those who are aware of felt making to some extent, will recognise skills such as ‘Nuno felt’, which is the incorporation of another material with the wool when felting, i.e. silk fabric.

If you are a bit scared to begin with bigger projects, smaller ideas are also discussed.  Why not strengthen your confidence with one of these brooches?

Book Review - Felting Fashion
Manageable ideas are given alongside the more complex.

There is good imagery of the equipment needed to make the felt in the first place.  This makes it easy for us all to go into a shop and have an idea what to purchase:

Book Review - Felting Fashion
There’s a black of soap for you, fancy this one on your sink?!

What Is Good About This Book?

The excitement you will get from the fashion ideas is a possible highlight….Look at this:

Book Review - Felting Fashion
Fancy making a jacket which you can be assured no one else will have?

The ideas and instructions to make each item are open to interpretation.  For example, it is up to us what colour materials we will choose.  We can have full pattern control too (to the extent the method allows).

Inspiration is something we might not think about in relation to felt making in this way, however Houghton lets us in to what influences her colour choices:

Book Review - Felting Fashion
There is vibrant photos throughout, not just of the felt but what goes on behind the scenes.

Obviously the felt close ups showcasing the patterns and colour are great too:

Book Review - Felting Fashion
Pattern close up.

Lastly we will mention the great patterns found within this book:

Book Review - Felting Fashion
Not left to our own devices, we are given both the idea and the ‘how to’.

We feel this is worth mentoning, as it may be that you are a dress maker and looking to play with a new skill.  Patterns such as the above may make this more familiar to you!

Is There Anything Wrong With This Book?

If you don’t like felt, then you have turned the wrong cover!


If you’re familiar with felt, you want to push your skills a bit further and move your creativity towards dressmaking and fashion, then Felting Fashion is for you!  It combines inspiration and technical explanation with a genuine passion for the subject, and is a great tool for you to push your creativity even further.

Felting Fashion, Creative and Inspirational techniques for feltmakers by Lizzie Houghton, is published by Batsford! Feel free to get your copy via our affiliate link.

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