Amethyst Geode (artist unknown)
Felter Skelter - your essential needle felting column from Mr X Stitch!

This month’s column is all about crystals! Fuzzy felt may not be the first thing to come to mind when you want to try your hand at making a sparkling crystal geode, but read on and you might just change your mind! We are all more nature driven at the moment, maybe this is a niche area you will fall for. The artists below often sell their work on Etsy and I have added links where possible!


The artist above finishes their felted pieces with beading and embellishment, making the crystals come alive. The colours are awesome too.


This artist produces similar pieces. The felt technique works well to create the layers of colour and tone which we will find on the real item too. Have you ever found one of these on a beach? The rocks often look ugly until you get to see what is inside!



A variety of colours here, less beading but works well in a different way.





This artist loves a bit of glitter!



Carol Jensen

Carol Jensen

(this geode was made with wool alone )

Amethyst Geode (artist unknown)

(if you know who made this beautiful geode or the one in the header image, please let us know so we can give credit!)

Zoë Williams

I’ve been making crystals too!

has this twisted your mind? Felt can be used to become so much more than a wearable item or flat piece to cut out!

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