Art Deco Witch Hat

Halloween is coming | Modern Millinery

Millinery Operations with Kristin Silverman

It’s that terrifying time of year … when thousands of mass-produced costumes come out for one night only. If you’ve been to one of those party/Halloween stores, you know that women can choose to be everything from a “sexy nurse” to a “sexy subway pizza rat.”

The really scary thing is that those junky costumes, made out of the poorest quality fabrics and built to last two wearings at most can be $90 or more! Why?

Halloween Victorian witch hat
Handmade witch hat by StudioSisu on Etsy.

I say, why not go old-school and wear a hand-made “witch” hat?

Art Deco witch hat
Art Deco witch hat by HatArtists on Etsy

Or find a quality, handmade costume hat:

Pirate bicorn
Handmade pirate hat by Caribbean Rose Pirate

In the world of costume hats, there is so much junk out there. “Felt” hats that are not much better than paper. They will crease and crush. Once they lose their shape, they are dead. Or fabric hats made, again, out of poor quality materials.

Another great thing about Halloween is this: Use the holiday to get over your fear of hats or the idea that you don’t look good in them!

silver and black trilby
Silver “magic spell” embroidered black fedora by Silverhill Creative on Etsy.

I’m not into the monsters and horror aspects of Halloween, but it’s also a chance to dress-up and play with a little bit of magic and fantasy. It’s a chance for people to wear different clothes and not be scared that others will look at them funny. Plus, in many places, the weather is getting colder, and you might need something on your head.

Wear an audacious headpiece, and have that be your whole costume. Or wear something a bit more “everyday,” and use Halloween as a time to get used to wearing a hat. Either way, it’s a fun way to observe the holiday.





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