Well hello there everyone, I hope you’re all sitting comfortably and ready for another dose of exquisite Etsy needlecraft. This week we shall be going stateside to bask in the wonders of the natural world thanks to the glorious stitchings of Sarah Buckley and her shop ‘IttyBittyBunnies’.
The wonderful Sarah is a stay-at-home mom and artist, Colorado native, and passionate embroiderer. She has been in love with art since childhood, but only began to teach herself embroidery in early 2015 (clearly she’s a natural!). Some of her other hobbies include painting, sewing, and collecting vintage goodies.
What is your earliest stitching memory?
As a child, I was obsessed with sewing. I learned to use a sewing machine at an early age, and I remember using fabric scraps from my grandparents’ drapery business to sew doll clothes, accessories, and even stuffed animals of my own design. My mom was an avid cross stitcher, and I always admired her painstakingly detailed projects. That love of detail has definitely shaped my style of hand embroidery as an adult.
What fires your imagination?
My imagination is always running wild! Having two small children keeps my eyes open to the small wonders of the world around me, and I am constantly inspired by the seemingly mundane. The subtle colors of the sky changing just before sunset, the texture of the bricks surrounding my fireplace, the way light reflects in my children’s eyes. It’s all beautiful! As George Santayana said, “The earth has its music for those who will listen.”
I love Sarah’s painterly stitching style, her embroideries are full of atmosphere and are absolutely bursting with style. Every one of her pieces shows off her vibrant and bold colour palettes, which really are mouthwatering, so please do pop along to her shop to see more! But before you do I’d love to tell you all about a brilliant and important new campaign called ‘Just A Card’.
‘Just A Card’ is the brainchild of Artist & Designer Sarah Hamilton who saw the quote “If everyone who’d complimented our beautiful gallery had bought ‘just a card’ we’d still be open” as a call to arms. “The ‘Just A Card’ campaign aims to encourage people to buy from Designer/Makers and Independent Galleries and Shops by reinforcing the message that all purchases, however small, even ‘just a card’ are so vital to the prosperity and survival of small businesses.” As an Etsy shop owner myself I can most definitely attest to this, cards and other small purchases are the life blood of many a small creative business, and the more thriving creativity and art in the world the better! To find out more about this fabulous campaign visit their website, where you can also download posters and flyers, perfect to display in shops/galleries or at any local events you may have. You can also show your support for the cause alongside the likes of the fantastic Mollie Makes magazine and The Design Trust by following and sharing the campaign on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and using #Justacard. So let’s all join together, my wonderful readers, and spread this message far and wide through the stitchy grapevine!
Jessica Taylor aka Loadofolbobbins is a Textile Artist and Illustrator based by the sea in Portsmouth. At her happiest with a needle and thread, with a passion for genealogy she often explores old photographs in her Textile art. With her fingers in many creative pies she loves to experiment with new techniques, creating illustrated and stitched goodies for her new Etsy shop.