Call it Stabilizer – Why is Backing important for Machine Embroidery?
I’m a pretty positive person. I try not to let myself get too heated up about little things; That’s why it’s hard sometimes for me
I’m a pretty positive person. I try not to let myself get too heated up about little things; That’s why it’s hard sometimes for me
All careers have their stressful moments, but whenever my stint in the commercial embroidery world has me facing off with a nonplussed co-worker, I’ll often
Whether I’m talking business with a newly-minted commercial machine embroiderer or discussing the craft with a would-be machine embroidery artist or erstwhile crafter, I can
If you enjoy digitising designs and producing them with your embroidery machine, you might think about transitioning to a professional career in the field, here are the top six things I’ve learned to help you on your way:
Running a business can be boring; Focus, focus, focus; Know the real cost of your work; Be audacious; Get good at selling and Establish boundaries.
“How Do I Keep The Fabric From Puckering?” This question is singularly the most asked I’ve seen in my experience with embroiderers. It’s understandable; there’s
Thread is at the heart of all we create as embroiderers, so it’s no surprise that we look to specialty threads to alter the look
There are three kinds of knowledge a proficient digitizer needs:
– An Understanding Of Materials And Equipment
– Technical Knowledge About Embroidery And Digitizing
– An Understanding Of Software
In a slight diversion from our usual format, I’ve decided to creatively paraphrase one of the many questions from erstwhile embroiderers that I answer every
Though my focus in this column is almost always on digitizing and custom work, I am well aware that not every lover of machine embroidery
There’s been so much wisdom and learning shared by our digitizing guru Erich Campbell in the past year that we thought we’d take a moment
As far as I am from my first experiments in embroidery digitizing, I am well aware of the frustration that those first flailing grasps at
In my previous post about stitch types, I revealed the controversial truth the only stitch which an embroidery machine is capable of producing is a