Maria Filipe Castro
Felter Skelter - Needle Felt Art Inspiration

Welcome to Felter Skelter, your essential guide for needle felting inspiration and ideas!

Maria Filipe Castro aka droolwool, is a Toy Artist and Character Designer from Portugal, currently based in the UK.

Droolwool happy cloud
What a super rainbow cloud!

She designs characters in a deliciously cute style, that she sculpts using needles and wool, creating unique and one of a kind Art Toys and Soft Sculptures Maria is currently teaching Needle Felting and her design approach on an online course at Domestika, a technique that she’s been developing for almost 10 years.

happy tears drool wool
Happy tears must be good tears!

Using food and nature as an inspiration she likes to tell tiny stories with a touch of innocence and lots of humour, making her characters portray spontaneous human reactions, capturing moments of spontaneity that only children and specially toddlers are capable of demonstrating.

drool wool felty cloud
Another cute cloud

Maria Filipe was an invited speaker at 1st Pictoplasma in Isolation and most recently she was a Designer Toy Awards Finalist in the Best Non-Plastic category with the Art Toy “Happy Tears Cloud”, a cloud that rains tears of joy.

Maria Filipe Castro

Droolwool’s work can be found in selected Art Galleries where she exhibits regularly, but also on her online shop.

Maria Filipe Castro
Capturing the fun of child like creatures, this lil cutie will attract adults and kids alike.
Maria Filipe Castro
Cute lil bear having a solo party.

You can find more of Maria Filipe Castro’s fantastic felt artwork in her Behance portfolio or in her online shop!

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