Previously I wrote about “Millinery in the Time of Coronavirus” and talked about a few opportunities to learn millinery online.
Since then, the offerings have just exploded!
It may not be a great time to be a milliner, but it is a great time to learn new millinery skills.

Currently several milliners and other millinery sites offer online training — with more on the way. Here’s a sampling of what’s out there:
Hat Academy
This site has been around for several years and is just fabulous! You can buy a whole beginner millinery package or courses just on specific techniques and materials.
I’ve bought 6 courses. All have been fabulous. I have more on my wish list. Because the courses are pre-recorded, you can watch whenever is convenient for you. And rewatch as necessary.
Virtual trainings through B Unique Millinery
Conducted through Zoom. A four-hour live class with a maximum of 15 students.
Check the time zone! Some courses are presented at 6 a.m. in Melbourne, Australia, which is late evening in the UK and a perfect 4 p.m. in the U.S. Others equate to 3 or 4 a.m. my (East coast U.S.) time. No thanks!
Brenda and her husband, Doug, have done a terrific job recruiting instructors and offering these classes. They are presented at a very reasonable price, too: $65 AUD.
I’ve wanted to take more than one, but it happened that I didn’t sign up for one until I took “Foss N Feathers” just yesterday! The course instructor was Carole Maher, who also teaches on Hat Academy.
It was a wonderful class, and I learned a ton! The second session of the course is already sold out. There are currently slots open in the third session, though.

Lina Stein Millinery
I learned from Lina in person at Millinery Meet-Up in 2018, and this spring in her “mini-sinamation” online class. She is another great tutor who is offering online Zoom classes.
She currently has course offerings on felt fedoras, swirled sinamay, swirled felt and more.
Rebecca Share
Another instructor who also offers courses on Hat Academy. She now also has a website — www.hatatelier.com — to host a mixture of pre-recorded and live online classes.
Louise MacDonald
Louise offers multiple courses on Hat Academy. And I had the pleasure to learn her sinamay techniques at Millinery Meet-Up in 2018. She is a marvelous teacher.
In addition to her many courses on Hat Academy, she has been gearing up to teach online classes through Zoom as well, teasing upcoming offerings to her followers and asking what courses (and time zones) people are interested in.
Have you taken an online millinery class? Do you know of any that I’ve missed? Share below!
I hope you’ll take advantage of this time of social distancing to learn something new.