Deviant Discoveries – AndyGlamasaurus
If you’re struggling with the Monday blues then here’s a cheery little cross stitch nod to Jaws to brighten up your day. I’m digging ‘Smile’
If you’re struggling with the Monday blues then here’s a cheery little cross stitch nod to Jaws to brighten up your day. I’m digging ‘Smile’
Machine embroidery takes me way back to my degree when I had access to beautiful Irish sewing machines. Many days were spent busting out some
I’m getting into the Valentine’s Day spirit early with this beautiful piece ‘Underwater Kiss’ by Anne Mende aka Pumora. Can you believe this is her
I’ve gotta say I have an obsession with brooches/patches/anything I can adorn my denim jacket with and my gosh, Haley Dicken’s patches will definitely be
Here is something a bit different from me this week! How fabulous is this beaded Slytherin emblem by Watarigarasu? Okay I admit it, I am
Check out this beautiful hand embroidered mandala by Tanya Kirsanova. I’m loving the rich colours she’s used, a truly awe inspiring piece. I’ll let the
I hold my hands up, I’ve been secretly snooping dA this week for stitchy Christmas gift ideas (apologies in advance to those who can’t bring
This week’s discovery is a homage to Wes Anderson’s Steve Zissou from The Life Aquatic by the talented Kristen aka Thelastromantic. We love a good Zissou
Check out this piece ‘Big Beautiful Wonder Woman’ by Deviant Artist DarthMaulnda. Taken from the original illustration by Mike Wieringo, this has been carefully hand stitched onto
This Friday’s eye candy is brought to you by artist Jacob W Dillow and his hand embroidered piece ‘Don’t Be So Dramatic’ which is awesomely
I don’t think I can ever get sick of beautiful bad ass skull embroideries and I have totally fallen in love with this floral skull
I’ve delved into the dA archive and brought back a post featuring a bit of hoop art this week. I’ve got a lot of time