At Mr X Stitch we love to review textile art and embroidery books for you. There are so many great books to discover, packed with needlework inspiration and textile techniques, so we dive into each book to find out what’s good, what’s bad and let you know why you should pick it up.

Phil Davison is the brains behind Urban Cross Stitch, purveyor of Banksy cross stitch among other contemporary cross stitch designs and a thoroughly nice guy as well. Twisted Stitches is his first book of original designs and I like it!
There are over 23 designs in four different classes — pictures and cards, accessories and gifts, homewear and clothing. The patterns range from simple beginner pieces to some pretty complex designs that would challenge the best of us. The book comes with plenty of instructions at the rear of the book and a set of design templates tucked in the back to help you on your way.

Phil has created some really striking pieces; my personal favourites include the Twisted Balloons piece, designed to be hung on a wall, and the Domestic Bombshell pattern for aprons.
The difficulty of the designs is spread across all four classes of project and there’s plenty of inspiration to keep you going. There’s even a groovy alphabet with which you can make your own stitched samplers!

This is a nice addition to the world of cross stitch — the projects are contemporary, often laced with a great sense of humour and there are some really fresh designs for you to enjoy.
From laptop covers to towels, and from t-shirts to tote bags, there are plenty of new ways that you can take these cross stitch projects out into the real world.

Twisted Stitches is published by Fil Rouge Press and is available from all good retailers. Why not get your copy via our Amazon link?