We’ve some fantastic columns on Mr X Stitch and we wanted to celebrate the authors who share their love of needlecraft with you. This time it’s our Needle Felting Maestro, Zoe Williams!

Name: Zoë Williams
Location: New York, NY
Specialism: Needle felt, dreamy creatures

Favourite Colour: Black
Favourite Film: 12 Monkeys
Favourite Band: Lately I’ve been into The Smiths (again)

Favourite Book: Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World
Tell us a joke: Why does a chicken coop have 2 doors? Because if it had 4, it would be a chicken sedan.
A little piece of wisdom if you please: I’m afraid I have none, but I believe wisdom is sometimes revealed in dreams, so pay attention to your dreams!
Thanks Zoe! Felter Skelter is out on the third Sunday of each month, sharing the best needlework out there! Normally at this point, we’d share some posts you might have missed, but we’ve got a chance to enjoy some more of Zoe’s work, so why wouldn’t we?

Zoë Williams creates needle felt sculptures based on spirits, sacred creatures, and dreams. Her work is concerned with the intersection of the (inner) realm of the collective unconscious and the (outer) kingdom of nature. She lives and works in New York City.