Anne Brenneke - Life After Death Quilt

Anne Brenneke | Art Quilts

I am very late to this party, so late in fact that, other than this, I can’t find any contact info for this lady.

BUT that won’t stop me from showing her awesome quilts that make me feel a little of that art school fervor.
The “I wish I had thought of it” syndrome.

Since she is near impossible to track down, maybe I will make some and you all know where to find me.

Right here first Sunday!

Group HUG!!!!

With out much more ado here are the quilts of legend:

Anne Brenneke | Art Quilts

Anne Brenneke | Art Quilts

[a little more ado: what do yo guys think of pop images in Quilts? ]

Anne Brenneke | Art Quilts

Anne Brenneke | Art Quilts

She did a good job with these. I’d love to see them in person.

Anne Brenneke | Art Quilts

Anne Brenneke | Art Quilts


LUKE Haynes is a trained Architect using his skills mostly for good. His work can be seen at his site and the associated blog. He is a full time Quilter and sometimes blogger, whose work is showing across the country and soon the world. You can find him here at Quilty Pleasures on the first Sunday of each month.

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