felt cat by ***yayaya***

Kitty Cat Felt

Felter Skelter - Needle Felt Art Inspiration

Welcome to Felter Skelter, your essential guide for needle felting inspiration and ideas!

Kitty Cat Felt

Yes, this month’s column is all about needle felted cats. My latest body of work is inspired by the beautiful and strange sphynx breed, so I’ve spent the last few months thinking of little else, but it seems I may not be the only one with visions of kitty cats dancing through my head. This month, I am pleased to bring you some truly wonderful cat sculptures that I have recently discovered.

felt cat by ***yayayay***

I frequently poke around on Pinterest for inspiration for this column on kitty cat felt and one day as I was looking through needle felting boards for something new, I came across a picture of a cat. At first I thought it had to be a mistake, meant for another board, because it was a photo of a real cat. Or was it? That was the click that sent me down the rabbit hole of Yahoo blogs and obscure auction sites, where the artists have handles like merino117, ***yayaya***, and sachie2355. I can’t tell you much about the creators, but the artwork is fantastic. These cats are undeniably needle-felted, but they look so real they almost fooled me!

felt cat by ***yayayay*** Kitty Cat Felt
felt cat by ***yayayay*** needle felted cats
felt cat by ***yayayay***

Above, some felt cats by ***yayaya***. Both long and shorthair breeds, in a variety of realistic poses.

felt cat by sachie2355
felt cat by sachie2355

 Felt kitties by sachie2355. The scottish fold kitten just kills me.  More kitty cat felt !

felt cat by merino117
felt cat by merino117

These two are by merino117. The grey cat’s pose is wonderful, as if he was startled by a sudden noise.

felt cat by Miru
felt cat by Miru

Two felt cats by Miru. I love the way the markings have been executed on these tabbies!

I would like to credit blogger Kilikulu x Erica for the discovery of most of these artists.

For more Needle Felted goodness check out this on Fantasy Felt or have a look at these!

Want some Needle Felting Inspiration?


Zoe Williams

Zoë Williams creates needle felt sculptures based on spirits, sacred creatures, and dreams. Her work is concerned with the intersection of the (inner) realm of the collective unconscious and the (outer) kingdom of nature. She lives and works in New York City.

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