Jamie “Mr X” Chalmers

Since establishing the Mr X Stitch site in 2008, Jamie Chalmers has been showcasing new talent in the world of textiles and stitch and has curated a number of stitch-based exhibitions in the UK and Ireland. A stitcher for over fifteen years, he is an internationally exhibited artist and the curator of PUSH Stitchery, featuring 30 contemporary embroidery artists from around the world. He has also written articles for textile publications across the world, including FiberArtsNow magazine and Surface Design Journal.

PUSH Stitchery - curated by Mr X Stitch!

His most recent book, The Mr X Stitch Guide to Cross Stitch, is published by Search Press and is his testimony to the world of cross stitch.

The Mr X Stitch Guide to Cross Stitch Front Cover

In 2017 he launched XStitch, a paradigm shift in cross stitch magazines, which brings together the freshest design talent to produce themed issues of cross stitch patterns for a modern world!

XStitch Magazine Covers

Find out more at the XStitch magazine website!

He believes in the benefits of stitching, both from a relaxation and a sustainability perspective and is honoured to introduce new artists that inspire and encourage new people to take to the needle and thread.

He is available for workshops and talks. Email him for more information.

If you want to see him in action, grab yourself a beverage and enjoy his TedX talk – “Why X Stitch Is Important”!

And as if that wasn’t enough, he’s launched a YouTube channel – find out all about that here!