Multiple Stitchgasm! – Happy Star Wars Day!

Another Stitchgasm from Mr X Stitch!

It’s here…we can officially say it…


OK, it’s out of our system now!

Yes, it comes but once a year and it only seems fair that we acknowledge this day by bringing you not one, but 4 embroideries based on the timeless treasure that is STAR WARS!

Star Wars cross stitch pattern by hardcorestitchcorpsBless This House – Mos Eisley Edition Cross Stitch pattern by HardcoreStitchCorps

Storm Trooper hoop by ChelpandaStorm Trooper Hoop by Chelpanda

chewbacca pin by sabrina parolinChewbacca Pin by Sabrina Parolin

fett forever by gentasticFett Forever Hoop by Gentastic

DVD marathon anyone?

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