At Mr X Stitch we love to review textile art and embroidery books for you. There are so many great books to discover, packed with needlework inspiration and textile techniques, so we dive into each book to find out what’s good, what’s bad and let you know why you should pick it up.
Urban Quilting: Quilt Patterns For The Modern-Day Home by Wendy Chow is a handy reference guide that contains all the information you’ll need to start making contemporary quilts.
In brief, you fill find that Urban Quilting includes:
1. Ten quilt designs, each with patterns for three sizes, for making up to thirty quilts (which we can personalise).
2. New to the craft friendly content, including everything you need to know to get started, i.e. terms used in quilting.
3. Detailed instructions with clear diagrams so you can learn the basics and the more complex concepts without too much stress.
4. Informative information on the history of quilting and how today’s quilters are modernizing the craft – these areas show the author off well.
About The Author
Wendy Chow is an avid pattern designer in the quilting field, producing many geometric bold designs. She lives in New York and is seemingly set on making sure quilting does not die out. She represents a young audience interested in this technique and hopes to pass this on to the next generation. Apparently this journey began not too long ago – in 2015. It was by observing her sisters love of quilting that she herself began to take an interest. her curiosity was sparked and very soon she began to have a go herself.
Wendy says ‘Quilting is an art form that continues to thrive after centuries. Today, quilts are not just seen as a utility to provide warmth, but they represent us and our story. As a modern quilter and pattern designer, I hope to pass down this creative legacy through my designs.’
Will you let her pass this story and creative journey onto you?
Who Is This Book Aimed At?
According to the book’s back page, newcomers along with those looking to remind themselves of the skills they have previously learned will love this one. The only thing which I wish to add, is that this book is a serious teaching guide. Do not expect anything frivolous here, this publication has a job to do if we let it! Will you let it teach you?
There are many patterns, many inspired by the outdoors and natural formations. They are simplistic and not overly complex, yet often hold attention via their bold colour and size. You will also find out more about the basics of quilting and what certain confusing terms mean…..let’s delve in further…

We all love a story and a sniff of someone else’s life – we are given insight into Wendy’s reasons for beginning quilting within the opening sections of this book.

Those new to quilting will find this section helpful. The author does not expect all readers to be polished quilters and provides helpful information:

If you are like us, you will have that promise to yourself that you will remember the page you wanted to look at without adding a bookmark….yet time and time again what happens? Do you remember? We thought not – Wendy and the book publishers have that little niggle covered via the good old addition of a ribbon bookmark:

This book isn’t photograph driven, there are many diagrams and step-by-step images though.

Having said that, there is not a famine of photography at all, we do not feel any lack. For each project we are given enough visual aids to understand what we are aiming for. This image below takes up one whole page, a showcase of a finished piece.

We enjoyed the lifestyle shoot concept – the backgrounds for the finished items are not distracting, they allow the piece to stand out. Some are taken outdoors and others are presented in interior settings, often with some sort of prop added – i.e. a plant. We have of course seen this all before, yet it does not seem old, as the quality of the image holds our attention.

What Makes This Book Special?
We liked the united ethos within this book – by this we mean that we are encouraged by the author to share what we do. We are not alone – we can show off our own outcomes and are actively encouraged to do so….

The little details really make this book stand out – what size project are you willing to take on? All the measurements are on offer for us to choose and personalise.

Anything Wrong With The Book?
This publication is not for the crafter who simply wishes to flick through a book for ideas. This is a book to use as a quilting bible, to answer questions, to learn skills with. This isn’t a put off factor, simply a warning – this book is brilliantly set out to educate.
Before we forget – we also loved that this book has a hard cover! It is also a nice size of a book to hold, not too thick and large. Small things can really make an impression.
Urban Quilting: Quilt Patterns For The Modern-Day Home is by Wendy Chow and published by Paige Tate & Co. Keen to begin? Get your copy through the link!