Filc Alki wing shawl

Embrace the Magic of Woollen Wings: Unique Felt Wraps and Stoles

Sometimes don’t you just wish you could fly away? 

Dream of flying this month with beautiful woollen wings. These felt wraps and stoles will give you wings and warm your shoulders.

Let’s begin with these gorgeous nuno-felted wing shawls by Filc Alki.

Filc Alki wing shawl
Fancy a winged look?

The stuff on her Etsy varies in style so check it out.

Filc Alki wing shawl
Mad but hey unusual

Now we move to these beautiful three-dimensional bird stoles by Celapiu on Etsy.

Celapiu raven stole
This is pure art
Celapiu swan stole
A dress adornment?
Celapiu ugly duckling stole
Pure beauty

And if you want something more fanciful, you’ll enjoy the woollen wings by Moss Fête

Moss Fete woolen wings
Halloween possability?
Moss Fete woolen wings

And we finish with these incredible wing shawls by Miss Monster Mel.

Miss Monster Mel wing shawl
Miss Monster Mel wing shawl
Miss Monster Mel wing shawl

Make sure to click through to see more from each of these talented fibre artists, and for even more winged goodness, don’t miss Volha Kotova’s wonderful winged backpacks, featured here previously.

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