Book Review – How To Be Creative in Textile Art

Mr X Stitch Book ReviewIntroduction

Written by Julia Triston and Rachel Lombard, the title How To Be Creative in Textile art holds a lot of promises.  This is surely a massive area to tackle….Can this Batsford published book deliver?

Textile Art, what is it?  Can it be defined?  This inspiring book deals with the subject as a whole.  Consider yourself creative?  Or maybe you want to feel more so?  Again, this is the book for you….lets dig a little deeper.

Who’s the book for?

There isn’t a rule here.  Without giving too much away as regards the content, this tome could be useful for Artists in Mixed Media as well as Textiles.  There is a definite Art side to the book.  As for the level it is aimed at, it could be understood and picked up by a keen beginner as easily as an established experienced embroiderer.


The book is divided into four parts, each covering one or two chapters.

Part One cleverly leads us by the hand, guiding us, without telling us what to do.

Maps, beautiful creative ones are illustrated as a part of the starting process.
Book Review - How To Be Creative in Textile Art
As we journey through the book, ideas such as collage are mentioned.

The book is formatted to push us through a step by step process, for example in Chapter Three, we learn about design development, while latterly in Chapter Six, we discover how to finalise our work.

What makes it special?

Personally, I like it when an author opens our minds to possibilities, yet does not force us to repeat exactly what we see; rather we are allowed to personalise our outcomes.  I see this as a sign of a good author, one who lets our minds grow.

Book Review - How To Be Creative in Textile Art
How to do a certain project, yet it is up to us what colours and materials we use.

Ideas…we all need them!  On this page we are given a few suggestions, yet they are not hard and fast rules….

Book Review - How To Be Creative in Textile Art
It has been designed to be easily read and understood. At certain times boxes are used to contain information.


As with many a Batsford book, photography is of a high standard.  High pixel imagery, some covering nearly a whole page.

Book Review - How To Be Creative in Textile Art
The close ups are perfect.

Anything wrong with the book?

It is very hard to pick fault.  It will come down to personal preference, as the authors have covered the theme within a relatively small number of pages, which is quite a feat.

My only concern was is there was enough balance between the two authors work and other artists…too many illustrations of one type over another?  Personally I don’t think so.

Book Review - How To Be Creative in Textile Art
Triston’s work, balanced among many other samples. This is not a one way weighted publication.


This isn’t just a publication to read once and file away.  It is a book to keep going back to, for inspiration or simply that start  we all may need at times.  The authors have provided a wealth of inspiration, not via their own work alone, but from many other contributors too.

Contemporary?  Yes definitely, yet this is timeless and cannot be boxed into a certain age or time period; this is one for now and one for years to come.

Grab your copy and open your mind with How To Be Creative in Textile art.

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