Welcome to Gear Threads, the best in machine embroidered art.
Somewhere outside of Reno, Cody McElroy, better known to the interwebs as Dirty Needle Embroidery, is keeping the art of freemotion embroidery alive. From classic little patches to rich paintings in thread, Dirty Needle brings a fresh perspective to a medium that’s existed just about as long as sewing machines.
Get the backstory on Dangerous Minds, and follow @dirtyneedleembroidery on Instagram to see more creations from this unique sewing studio.
What Technique Is This?
This is free machine embroidery and if you want to find out more about it, check out our dedicated post!
Gear Threads is brought to you from the offbeat gals at Urban Threads. Created by illustrator Niamh O’Connor, Urban Threads is revolutionizing machine embroidery one edgy, elegant, innovative, and/or offbeat design at a time. Discover the future of digital stitchery at www.urbanthreads.com.