Needle Exchange: Totally Stumped II

Hi everyone! Last time we looked at the history of stumpwork, this week we’re going to look at some contemporary examples. First off, I have to thank our Queen Bee, Beefranck for finding so many of these pieces for me. Thank you! She really did most of the work for this article.
Check this out!

Needle Exchange: Totally Stumped IIIt Came From the Deep… I Mean, the Hoop!! by Jemimah

Jemimah made this piece for a swap. She said that tentacle patterns are pretty uncommon, so she designed this piece from scratch. She says, “The tentacle is stitched on red silk dupion using a little organza applique, rayon and cotton threads. Split stitch filling, spider web, and colonial knots, wired and padded. It’s quite small, the hoop is only 3 inches (or 4? can’t recall exactly). I think Dee really likes it, and I certainly enjoyed making it.

Pretty cool!

And next we have this monster from rollerderbysinner.

Needle Exchange: Totally Stumped IIKiss This by rollerderbysinner

I can’t think of a clever Kiss Army joke involving WMDs, but I know it’s there. Anyway, Holy Cow! Now I want a lengua taco. I like how Gene’s face is stark and simple, it really makes the tongue seem aggressive.

Next we have this piece by childrenplayingwithfire.

Needle Exchange: Totally Stumped II

stumpwork Skeleton- Fire Banner by childrenplayingwithfire

I really love the use of needlelace in this piece. The whole thing is like an updated take on Posada, and I love the way the skeleton clutches those flames. Really nicely done!

Next we have this piece by one of our favorite artists, Stitchalicious.

Needle Exchange: Totally Stumped II

Barbed, Rosy, Mummy Stumpwork by Stitchalicious

I picked this piece because I know we’ve featured her other stumpwork pieces on this site, and this is one I hadn’t see before. I love the delicate petals, and the use of barbed wire. The free floating banner is impressive too.

Finally we have this knowledge bomb dropped on me by celebrated awesome art man, Richard Saja. I told him I was putting together this article, and he directed me to this book by  Jane Nicholas.

Needle Exchange: Totally Stumped II

The stumpwork, goldwork and Surface Embroidery Beetle Collection by Jane Nicholas

From Amazon- “Using elegant illustrations, she details the anatomy first, then the various iterations of this many-legged bug, from its employment in jewelry to its collectability as part of a specimen box. Most impressive are the more than 70 patterns, including beetles executed in goldwork, applique, stump work, and surface embroidery…

Pretty incredible! I’ve even found a couple of pieces on flickr that have been worked off of these patterns.

Needle Exchange: Totally Stumped IIstumpwork Beetle by eemie_is_dreemie

Really nicely executed. I like the goldwork peeking out, too.

So that wraps up stumpwork! Thanks again to Richard and Bridget for helping me do my homework. Join me next time for more adventures!
Penny Nickels is a printmaker that started playing with needles with tremendous effect. She and her husband, Johnny Murder have been described as “The Bonnie and Clyde of Contemporary Embroidery” and you can discover the power of her creativity at her blog.
All photos are property of the cited artist. Click the highlighted link below the photos to learn more about their work.

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